Once Akbar and his court artist Tansen came in camouflage to Chitore to hear Mira's reverential and rousing tunes. Both entered the sanctuary and tuned in to Mira's spirit mixing melodies however much they might want. Akbar was truly moved. 

Before he left, he contacted the blessed feet of Mira and put an accessory of emeralds before the symbol as a present. Some way or another the news arrived at the Rana that Akbar had entered the sanctuary in camouflage, contacted the feet of Mira, and even introduced her a neckband. 

The Rana got angry. He told Mira, "Suffocate yourself in the stream and never show your face to the world in the future. You have welcomed incredible disfavor on my family". 

Mira complied with the expressions of her better half. She continued to the waterway to suffocate herself. The names of the Lord "Govind, Giridhari, Gopal" were consistent all the rage. She sang and moved in joy on her way to the waterway. At the point when she raised her feet from the beginning, a hand from behind got a handle on her. She turned behind and saw her adored Krishna. 

She swooned. Following a couple of moments, she opened her eyes. Ruler Krishna grinned and addressed her these words: "My dear Mira, your existence with this human spouse is over at this point. You are completely free. Be bright. You are Mine.

 Promptly continue to the nooks of Vraja and the roads of Brindavan. Look for Me there, He at that point vanished.