There, when carried on a lord named Jitshatru in the city of Vanijya. There, additionally carried on a rich householder named Anand. He was a tycoon. He was rich to such an extent that he had 4 a large number of gold coins, an equivalent sum in real money, and he had put an equivalent sum in exchange, in decorations, and different resources.

 He additionally possessed 40,000 dairy animals. He was exceptionally regarded by the King, just as, the individuals of the town. 

At some point, Lord Mahavira visited this town and gave a major message. Subsequent to hearing the message of the Lord Mahavira, Anand chose to acknowledge the twelve pledges of the householder at fifty years old years. Fourteen years passed by following those promises, and afterward, he concluded that he would prefer to resign from his family duties.

 Thus, he considered his kids and moved all the duties of the business, and family unit exercises to them. He additionally, disclosed to them that nobody should look for his recommendation in common undertakings any longer. From that point forward, he was spending an amazing remainder in repentance and contemplation. He, hence, halted common exercises for the rest of his life. 

After some time, on the record of his unadulterated state of mind and performing of starknesses, he achieved Avadhijnan (Limited Divine Knowledge). It so happened that Lord Mahavira and his devotees were visiting the area and right now Gautamswami was gathering contributions (food), going from one house to another. 

He caught individuals discussing Anand�s unforeseen weakness, and he had achieved the exceptional information, so Gautam Swami chose to visit Anand. When Gautamswami showed up to Anand, he offered his welcome laying in the bed and disclosed to Gautamswami what he had accomplished and he could see up to the twelfth Devaloka. Gautamswami revealed to Anand that such information was impractical for the householder. Consequently, he told Anand on the off chance that he should lament (do prayshchit) for lying. Anand was baffled since he was coming clean.

 He would not like to resist his profound instructor, and yet, he was figuring it would not be reasonable for apologies for coming clean. Along these lines, he cordially, with deference, asked Gautamswami, "Guruji, is it important to atone in any event, when somebody is coming clean?" Gautam stated, "No." Gautam still couldn't trust Anand. Along these lines, he returned to the Lord Mahavir to get the explanation. 

In the wake of arriving at Lord Mahavira, Gautam got some information about his discussion with Anand. Ruler Mahavira stated, "Gautam, Anand was correct. He had accomplished that quite a bit of Avadhijnan. Why an educated individual like you committed such an error. Consequently, if by any means, it is you who ought to request absolution.

" Gautam understood his misstep and as opposed to completing his feast, he went to Anand and apologized for his mix-up and mentioned for pardoning. Anand was upbeat that Lord Mahavira took the side of truth, and not that of his first supporter, Gautamswami. 

He was likewise, glad that even a priest like Gautamswami, who had an exceptionally high achievement, returned to request pardoning. He felt extremely solid about his religion and priests who tail them. Anand abstained till' the very end, and he was conceived as a God in the Saudharma Devaloka (a magnificent area). After the fulfillment of that god-life, he would be renewed in Mahavideh and get freedom from that point. 

The substance of human life is to rehearse at any rate one, more or every one of the twelve promises in a day by day life, and hence, make our life great. This story, likewise discloses to us how humble shravak ought to be in remedying the slip-ups of their educators. 

It likewise, shows how straightforward, modest and a genuine devotee of Lord Mahavir, Gautamswami was, that when Lord Mahavir brought up his misstep, he went to Anand with no contentions, or imagining that he is the main supporter of Lord Mahavir for what reason should he request absolution. It additionally, shows that how incredible was the instructor, Lord Mahavir that despite the fact that it was the slip-up of his first devotee, he didn't cover it up, yet actually, he took the side of truth and disclosed to Gautamswami his mix-up. We should take a few models from these.