As per Hindu religion, in the Treta Yuga, when the earth was overburdened by the fiendish and domineering principle of the evil presences, the Goddess Vaishnavi was made when Gauri, Lakshmi, and Saraswati chose to consolidate their energies to free the earth of looming fate. From the aggregate vitality of the three Goddesses, seemed an eight equipped Goddess, who was riding upon a lion (or tiger). In the wake of obliterating the devils that were troubling Mother Earth, Goddess Vaishnavi was mentioned to live on Earth, so she may always keep all evil under control. She decided to manifest as a human, named Vaishnavi. 

As a youngster, Vaishnavi was submerged in the reverential assistance of Lord Vishnu, a propensity she conveyed very much into her adulthood. At the point when she was of eligible age, she ventured out from the home to perform extreme severities to please and win Lord Vishnu as her significant other. A long time passed, and as a solution to her petitions, Lord Vishnu appeared to her as Lord Rama. She gained from him that he was at that point wedded and was looking for his significant other, Sita, who was snatched by the evil presence ruler of Lanka, Ravana. 

Seeing his lover upset, Rama guaranteed her that he would re-visitation of her one day, and in the event that she remembered him, she could wed him. Rama proceeded to protect Sita and become the lord of Ayodhya, all while Vaishnavi hung tight for his return. One such day, she was drawn nearer by an elderly person who asked the delightful Vaishnavi to be his significant other. She notwithstanding, declined his proposition, considering him bothersome for his age and looks. She had neglected to perceive the elderly person who was in all honesty Lord Rama, who had arrived at keep his finish of the guarantee. Notwithstanding, the brutal atonement of the goddess can't go unfulfilled, so Lord Rama allowed her the shelter that in his tenth manifestation of Lord Kalki during kali yuga, he would wed her and approached her to hang tight for him till his tenth manifestation on the Trikuta mountain. He even gave her a Bow and two bunches of bolts and a group of his monkey armed force for her assurance. 

Rama left, and Vaishnavi kept on going through years in reflection, moving all around, comprehending the difficulties of all who asked, with her Siddhis. This compromised the notoriety of a neighborhood Tantrik who sent his supporter Bhairon Nath to discover more about her. Be that as it may, Bhairon Nath was stunned by her excellence and lewdly followed her any place she went. 

So as to get away from his undesirable consideration, Vaishnavi entered a cavern and proceeded with her contemplation there, for nine months, as a youngster rests in its mom's belly. When Bhairon Nath found her concealing spot and endeavored to chase her down once more, with an expectation of compelling himself upon her, Vaishnavi showed up as Goddess Mahakali and cut off Bhairon Nath's head with her blade. 

After she trims his head off, Bhairon Nath understood his slip-up and beseeched her for absolution. His head had fallen a long way from his body, however, the tolerant Goddess Vaishno Devi guaranteed him that he would always be revered there and that he would be her gatekeeper structure than on. Vaishno Devi relinquished her fierceness and got back to the type of Vaishnavi, and returned her cavern, where she accepted the type of three shakes and dwells there to date. Each rock is illustrative of Saraswati, Mahalakshmi, and Mahakali. This hallowed place is affectionately called "Vaishno Devi", where a huge number of aficionados go each year, to get the favors of their Mother Goddess.