There was an incredible conciliatory service that was going to happen a large number of years back. The extraordinary sage Narada Muni was welcome to it and solicited who might get the impacts from the penance. Nobody could reply, so the sages who were available asked him who ought to get it.

 Narada said that Sri Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva were all qualified, however they would need to discover which one had the most persistence and virtue to be the beneficiary of the penance. So he picked the extraordinary sage Brighu to get familiar with the appropriate response. 

Brighu had numerous spiritualist powers and had the option to go to the area of the mythical beings. So first he went to see Lord Brahma, yet Brahma was engrossed and didn't see Brighu's quality. 

Feeling offended, Brighu reviled Brahma, "You are so pleased with your capacity of creation, you didn't see my appearance. For this you will have no sanctuaries on earth." Thus, there are not many sanctuaries of Brahma on earth. 

Next, Brighu went to see Shiva in Kailash, however Shiva likewise didn't see Brighu's appearance. Brighu, again feeling irritated, reviled Shiva to be adored uniquely as a lingam on earth. This is the motivation behind why Lord Shiva is fundamentally spoken to and venerated as a lingam on this planet.