Tenali Rama was unforgettable to ruler Sri Krishnadevaraya, now and again, when he couldn't help contradicting him, the lord would get angered and rebuff him for noncompliance. Here is a story that reveals to us how Rama got away from the lord's wrath, utilizing his knowledge. 

At some point, there was a conflict of sentiments between lord Sri Krishnadevaraya and Tenali Rama. Severely, the ruler requested the watchmen to decapitate Rama with a solitary stroke of the blade. 

Two watchmen took Rama to the riverfront to execute him. 

At the point when it was the ideal opportunity for the execution, the two watchmen got into a warmed contention over who ought to play out the assignment. Rama interceded and recommended, "For what reason don't both of you strike together?" The gatekeepers consented to this and made Rama stand knee-somewhere down in the waterway. 

As the gatekeepers raised their blades, Rama yelled, "Pause! I have one final wish." 

The gatekeepers brought down their blades and asked what his last wish was. Rama answered, "I need you to strike me as I take Ma Kali's name." The watchmen consented to this. 

Rama held his breath and yelled, "Jai Ma Kali!" when the blades were going to strike his neck, Rama immediately inundated himself in the water. The blades missed Rama's neck and conflicted with one another. 

As the gatekeepers were preparing to strike once more, Rama stated, "The magnificence's organization for you was to strike just a single time. Since you have missed once, you can't endeavor once more." 

The gatekeepers were trapped in a situation. All at once, a courier from the castle accompanied requests to stop the execution and take Rama back to the royal residence. As Raman ventured into the royal residence, the lord grasped him and apologized for his uphead.