One night, lord Sri Krishnadevaraya had a weird dream. He longed for an enchanted castle that glided in air. It was made of gold and astonishing stones, and had all solaces and conveniences. The ruler woke up and couldn't quit considering his fantasy. 

He imparted his fantasy to his retainers, and every one of them lauded his fantasy and concurred that it was in reality a superb royal residence. At that point the ruler stated, "I will give a thousand gold coins to whoever manufactures such a royal residence." 

Everybody in the court was dumbstruck at the lord's declaration, as they all realized that building such a castle was unimaginable. None of them, nonetheless, set out to advise that to him. 

The retainers went to Tenali Rama for help, as they recognized what the outcomes would be on the off chance that they set out to resist the lord. Subsequent to hearing everything, Tenali Rama guaranteed them that he would support them. 

The following day, when Sri Krishnadevaraya was sitting in his court, an elderly person came crying to him for equity. 

The ruler asked, "What occurred, my great man, for what reason would you say you are crying?" 

To this, the elderly person answered, "Your highness, I need equity, as I have been burglarized for my entire life's reserve funds." 

At that point the lord asked, "Who had looted you? Let me know, and I will ensure you get equity." 

The elderly person faltered a piece and stated, "Your highness, I will reveal to you his name, yet guarantee me that after hearing his name, you would not blow up and rebuff me." 

"Truly! I give you my statement. Presently reveal to me who ransacked you," answered the lord. 

The elderly person at that point, with his voice shaking, stated, "It is you, your highness. I was ransacked by you." 

"Are you crazy, elderly person?" thundered the ruler. He was going to rebuff the elderly person, yet he recollected his guarantee and quieted down. He requested that the elderly person clarify what he implied by it. 

The elderly person stated, "Your highness, I had a fantasy the previous evening. You, alongside your a large number of fighters, went to my home and plundered as long as I can remember's reserve funds." 

Hearing this, the lord became irritated and indignantly stated, "Would you say you are crazy, elderly person? It is your fantasy, and dreams don't work out as expected." 

"However, your highness, on the off chance that your fantasy about structure a hanging castle can work out, at that point for what reason can't mine?" asked the elderly person in a quiet and self-assured voice. 

Saying these words, the elderly person removed his camouflage, and the entire court heaved, as the elderly person was as a matter of fact Tenali Rama. 

He at that point bowed before the ruler and said. "Your highness, conciliatory sentiments for taking such freedom, however this was the best way to persuade you that your fantasy was a long way from the real world." 

The ruler comprehended his mix-up and commended Tenali Rama for his insight.