In the Himalayas, there was a rakshasa named Bhasmasura, who went through years ruminating to please Lord Shiva. Assuaged by his commitment, Shiva shows up before him and requests that he make a desire. 

The smart Bhasmasura asks, "Master, award me the aid that whatever I contact with my correct hand will transform into remains right away." Shiva allows the help not understanding the underhanded aims of the rakshasa. 

Bhasmasura plans to test the shelter on the ruler himself, to transform Shiva into debris and increase the incomparable force. Indeed, even as he pursues Shiva, Lord Vishnu observes this and chooses to spare Shiva from the rakshasa. 

Vishnu transforms into a delightful lady named Mohini and shows up before Bhasmasura. Her entrancing magnificence makes him succumb to her and propose her. Mohini discloses to him that she would wed him in the event that he can move like her and thrashing her. 

Bhasmasura concurs and follows each progression of Mohini with spirit. As his certainty continues expanding, Mohini does a stage by putting her correct hand on her head. The pompous rakshasa overlooks his shelter and puts his correct hand on his head. Promptly, he transforms into debris.