Lord Vikram was given the obligation of bringing Betal to a tantric. Betal customarily signifies 'underhanded soul'. Each time Vikram attempted to catch Betal, it disclosed to him a story that finished with a conundrum. In the event that Vikram couldn't address the inquiry effectively, Betal consented to stay in imprisonment. However, in the event that the ruler knew the appropriate response and still stayed silent, his head would blast into a thousand pieces. What's more, if King Vikram spoke, Betal would get away and come back to his tree. 

The King of Adhak attempted to push every one of his subjects as well as could be expected. At some point, an elderly person went to his court with his two visually impaired children. 

"O powerful King, I feel my two children will be an incredible assistance to you in your court. In spite of the fact that they are visually impaired, they are talented with their different faculties. One child is a specialist judge of ponies, while the other can test any sort of gem for you." 

The King was interested and consented to utilize the two youngsters in his court. After seven days, a pony vender went to the court to offer to the King a pony he guaranteed was very polite. The visually impaired child approached and started to smell the pony, a lot to the disarray of the court. At the point when he completed, he stated, "This pony will lose any rider who isn't his proprietor. I sense it." 

At the point when a rider from the King's corrals attempted to ride the pony, it discarded him off and jogged. The pony merchant left the court, feeling embarrassed. 

A couple of days after the fact, a gem dealer went to the court of the King, presenting to him the biggest jewel the court had ever observed. The subsequent child was called to analyze the gem and took it in his grasp. Not long after he had contacted it, he disuaded the King from getting it, saying, "Your Majesty, the gem has been unpropitious for the individuals who have worn it beforehand and in the event that you get it, it could demonstrate perilous to your prosperity." 

What's more, with that, the King requested that the gem dealer leave his court. News showed up later that a King from the neighboring realm had purchased the jewel and fallen gravely sick before long.

The elderly person returned months after the fact to visit his children. While he was in court, the King asked him, "I have seen the aptitudes of both your children, yet what is your ability?" 

The elderly person answered, "I can tell the truth of a man and yours is that you are the child of a cheat." 

The King was chafed that the elderly person had uncovered his reality and him and his two children were expelled from his court. 

Betal then asked King Vikramaditya, "Who was at fault for the expulsion of the three men?" 

Lord Vikramaditya answered, "It was the King. In spite of the fact that he was outraged by the expressions of the elderly person, he ought to have recalled that it isn't his foundations that characterized him, yet who he is today." 

Hearing those words, Betal flew back to his peepul tree.