This is another of the fascinating Vikram Betaal stories. Some time ago, there carried on a rich Brahmin by the name of Vishnuswamin, who was playing out a tremendous conciliatory custom. He had three children and each was very specific around three explicit things. The oldest was fussy about food, the second about ladies and the third about beds. 

Vishsnuswamin needed a turtle for his penance. Thus, he sent his three children to get one. They found one, yet every one of them wouldn't contact it and bring it back home, as each professed to be as particular as the other. 

A savage squabble broke out among them and they moved toward the lord and mentioned him to choose who among them was the most fussy. The ruler chose to test them all. He welcomed the first to an extremely exceptional blowout arranged stunningly. However, the main child, wouldn't contact the food guaranteeing that the he smelt consumed carcasses in the rice. On examination, the lord found that the rice was obtained from a field close to an incineration ground. The ruler was genuinely dazzled. 

He at that point chose to test the second child by sending an incredibly delightful lady to him. However, the subsequent child sent her away saying that she resembled a goat. On examination, the lord found that she had been taken care of goat milk in her adolescence. The lord was dazzled constantly child's fine judgment regarding ladies. 

At that point he chose to test the third child, by letting him rest in a bed with seven gigantic beddings. In the night, the third child got up with a ton of agony and a red wound on his shoulder. It was discovered that there was a strand of hair in the bed beneath the seven sleeping cushions. 

The lord was very intrigued by the affectability of the third child also. He was unable to choose who among the three was ideal, yet utilized them in his court and chose to utilize the extraordinary abilities of the youngsters to his greatest advantage. 

Betaal then asked King Vikram, "Who among the three was the most particular? Vikram answered in a flash, "The third child! The wound on his shoulder was a positive proof of his affectability, while the other two children could have acquired data from somewhere else as well." 

When Vikram had completed his answer, Betaal flew back to the tree.