Lord Vikram was back with the body Betal lying on his shoulders. Betal began portraying another story to Vikram. 

Numerous years back, in the town of Kishannagar there carried on a solid and kind lord Rajendra. His sovereign Prema and the King were hitched for long yet they didn't have a youngster. The King was extremely kind and just to his kin. After numerous years the King and the sovereign were honored with an infant young lady. They named her Sona. 

Sona, being the lone youngster, was cherished enormously by her folks. She was given the opportunity to pick what she needs. In addition to the fact that she was sharp in considers, she was likewise capable at bow and bolt and with the blade. Sona grew up quick and before long contacted her eligible age. Her folks needed her to get hitched to a reasonable admirer yet Sona can't. She stated, 'Father, I will wed that man who is more gifted than me and will crush me in a bow bolt and blade rivalry.' 

The King thought it was reasonable enough thus he made a declaration in his realm. Numerous admirers came feeling that it is a young lady they need to battle. They will handily vanquish a young lady. Yet, Sona refuted every one of them. She handily crushed everybody and they needed to return home frustrated. 

Among the group was a youngster named Uday. He came ordinarily to watch Sona battle. He watched her and soon took in all the methods and systems that Sona utilized for her battles. He at that point introduced himself to the King. At the point when he battled Sona, and cunningly and handily vanquished her. The King at that point asked Uday from where he had learnt such talented battling method. To this Uday came clean with the lord that he had watched Sona thus figured out how to overcome her. 

Sona quickly answered, 'You have crushed me, yet I can't wed you.' To which Uday answered, 'Truly, you ought not wed me.' The King and the sovereign were shocked at their choice. 

'Goodness Vikram, presently you let me know, for what reason did she say that Uday can't wed her even after he crushed her? In the event that you don't talk regardless of whether you know the appropriate response, you are not a lord of Justice', said Betal. 

Vikram answered, 'Uday had taken in all the methodologies by watching Sona battle. This makes Sona a master or Uday's educator. In Hindu culture, an educator can't wed an understudy. Sona understood that Uday was first her understudy and afterward an admirer. Uday additionally thought in a similar way and in this manner chose not to wed Sona.' 

So Vikram had ended his quiet with the answer and Betal flew back to the old tree while Vikram by and by ran behind him with his blade.