The acclaim of Mullah Nasruddin had spread all over and individuals were quick to meet him. One such individual chose to visit him, conveying a major bin of new vegetables from his ranch as a blessing. 

Satisfied by the regard appeared to him and the liberality of his guest, Mullah requested that he eat at home and welcomed him to remain as a visitor for the evening. 

The guest came back to his town very much took care of and all around rested. He educated every one of his neighbors regarding the friendliness of the popular Mullah Nasruddin. 

A couple of days after the fact, there was a thump at Mullah's entryway and a couple remained outside. When asked what their identity was, they answered with enormous grins, "Gracious incredible sir! We found out about your popularity from our neighbor – the man who visited you conveying the large crate of vegetables! We knew about your accommodation and needed to visit you for ourselves." 

Complimented by the entirety of the commendations, Mullah welcomed the couple to remain for supper and took care of them a luxurious feast. He additionally welcomed them to remain as his visitors for the evening. They left the following day, satisfied and upbeat. 

After seven days, a gathering of individuals showed up at his entryway. They stated, "We heard about your brilliant liberality from our companions! We are the's neighbors of the man who presented to you the large container of vegetables." 

Mullah understood all his friendliness was being exploited and it needed to stop. With a grin all over, he welcomed the new arrangement of visitors into his home, offering them supper. 

The guests readily plunked down to eat Mullah's scandalous home-prepared supper. Their mouths fell open with a stun when Mullah set a bowl of heated water before every last one of them. 

"Goodness visitor, if it's not too much trouble start! This is the soup of the soup of the vegetables your neighbor gave me!" 

The visitors unobtrusively went out, while Mullah grinned to himself.