At the point when Rama was more youthful once playing kite alongside siblings and Hanumaan, his kite flew past space and arrived at Heaven, where Indrani, that is Sachi, partner of Indra seized Rama's kite.
She was astonished how a man of earth could fly so high…, interest rose into her to see that man whose kite exceeded to past! At the point when Rama asked Hanumaan to see for what reason and how his kite was blocked, obeying in a flash Hanumaan traveled to Heaven and found the explanation. Suchi had caught the kite.
Hanumaan mentioned her to make free the kite, however Suchi wished on the off chance that she could see a man of such godlikeness and bravery! Hanumaan returned as a courier and delineated all that what happened to Rama's kite. Rama guaranteed Hanumaan to go again and disclose to her that he would meet her on the right event. Hanumaan did it and Suchi delivered the kite. Directly from that point, Suchi was trusting that Rama will see him.
During the war with Ravana, when Rama was with no chariot and insurance, it was out of Suchi's motivation and nervousness Indra got prepared to assist him with Indra's heavenly chariot. Afterward, after the war, Rama passed on respects and demonstrated appreciation toward Indra and Suchi for their important assistance.
Possibly, this was the main event when Suchi's desire to meet/see Rama had satisfied.