A washer man’s donkey would be free to graze on the green field, after a hard day’s work. Instead of staying on the field, he would sneak into the villagers’ farms and eat the vegetables growing, before sneaking back home.
The donkey met a jackal, and they became good friends. They decided to hunt together, and the fat donkey would break the fence to eat vegetables, while the jackal hunted the farm animals.
One night, the donkey told the jackal that he felt like singing. The jackal pleaded with him not to sing, as they would get caught. However, the donkey got annoyed and insisted on singing.
He opened his mouth and began to bray loudly, and the jackal immediately ran away. The farmers, on hearing the donkey bray, came rushing out and thrashed him for eating their vegetables.
The farmers tied a mortar on the donkey, and as he walked home, the jackal joked about the farmers gifting the donkey a necklace for his singing.
Moral of the StoryThere is a time and place for everything.