At some point, a man ascended a tree. While ascending, he didn't understand how tall the tree really was and kept moving up. On arriving at the top, when the man peered down, he understood that descending from the tree would not be as simple as moving up. He was unable to think about any method of getting down without harming himself truly. 

He asked the individuals who were passing by to support him. However, no one could think about a method of cutting him down securely. Before long, many individuals accumulated around the tree and attempted to support the man, yet nobody realized what to do. The man stayed stuck on head of the tree. 

All at once, Nasruddin, who was strolling by, saw this scene and considered what was happening. The individuals remaining around the tree educated Nasruddin concerning the circumstance. "Gracious!" Nasruddin stated, "I'll get him down quickly." He took a long rope and hurled one finish of it to the man instructing him to tie the rope around his midriff. 

Everybody thought about what Nasruddin's arrangement was. At the point when one of them asked him, Nasruddin answered, "Simply leave it to me. It's a secure arrangement." 

At the point when the man on the tree had tied the rope firmly around his abdomen, Nasruddin pulled the rope with all his power. When Nasruddin did this, the man tumbled down from the tree and hurt himself gravely. The observers were stunned at this. They went to Nasruddin and asked, "What were you thinking? What sort of a senseless arrangement was that?" 

Nasruddin answered, "Well, when I did the very same thing and spared somebody's life." 

One man asked him, "Is that valid?" 

"Completely!" answered Nasruddin, "The main thing I can't recall is whether I spared him from a tree or from a well."