Chetak was the most all around prepped, respectful and attractive pony in the region. His proprietor Ram Singh was incredibly glad for him. He took awesome consideration of Chetak and never botched an opportunity to show him off before his neighbors and partners. 

"There goes my little youngster," shouted Ram Singh each time he opened the door to Chetak's steady. Chetak would promptly come out dashing and would go around the entire ground. His shimmering eyes, light earthy colored mane and glossy earthy colored coat looked extremely appealing. 

Smash Singh would then ride him all around the homestead. The group would take a gander at them fondly and he would feel incredibly pleased with Chetak. "At whatever point I ride him, it resembles I am flying noticeable all around," said Ram Singh readily. 

Chetak's old lucky man needed to stop for reasons unknown, so Ram Singh employed another husband to be for him. Smash Singh adored Chetak, so he employed the best husband to be in the town to deal with Chetak. Baloo, the new husband to be was renowned and evidently all the ponies prepared by him generally wound up looking route better than they had ever done previously. Chetak too turned out to be extremely attractive and much more appealing under Baloo's preparing. 

Early every morning, Baloo would begin with his preparing cycle. He would wash Chetak cautiously and brush his tails and brush his jacket till it began sparkling. Hours passed along these lines and Chetak looked very much prepped consistently. 

However, for reasons unknown, Chetak was distraught. His excellent eyes lost their radiance and he turned out to be extremely idle. Prior, he would hop and jog out of his steady when the entryway was open. In any case, nowadays he nearly must be cajoled to get up and run. "What precisely isn't right with him?" thought the stressed proprietor, and chose to discover for himself. 

At some point, he went inside Chetak's steady to research and discover the purpose for the intense change that had happened upon his most adored friend. While strolling through the steady, Ram Singh unexpectedly unearthed a stack loaded with oats. He was shocked as those oats were intended for Chetak. Smash Singh had trained Baloo carefully to take care of them to Chetak threefold per day. Afterward, he discovered that Baloo, rather than taking care of Chetak with the oats, was really sparing them to auction them at a lower cost in the market. 

Smash Singh got furious and asked Baloo, "For what reason did you keep the oats aside, while they are intended to be taken care of to Chetak?" Baloo was completely unrepentant and answered, "So what? He doesn't have to eat that much. Besides, I do all that conceivable to make him look great—I rub oil on him and brush his jacket to make him look this pleasant." 

Smash Singh lost his temper. He yelled, "I delegated you to deal with him and keep him in great condition. I couldn't care less in the event that you are prepping him pleasantly when he is famished and troubled." Saying this, Ram Singh excused Baloo promptly and began dealing with Chetak actually.