The Four Boys Who Made A Lion
Again time, King Vikram returned in the thick timberland to bring Betaal, who had taken off after Vikram had responded to his inquiry. Betaal, as usual, started another intriguing story to keep Vikram engaged during the excursion.
The story went this way: Once upon a period, there carried on a Brahmin in a city, who had four children. The Brahmin had himself shown the Vedas and the blessed sacred writings to every one of them.
At some point, the siblings chose to wander out into the world all alone, become familiar with an extraordinary expertise and afterward return again to meet one another. Thus, they went to pick up something unprecedented and after some time, returned to meet each other at the delegated time.
Each boasted about the exceptional expertise that he had learned. The first stated, "I can make the substance of an animal from a solitary bone of the animal." The subsequent one stated, " I can make the hair and skin of an animal." The third one stated, "I can make the appendages of an animal". The fourth one stated, " And I can implant life into that animal."
Thus, they went to the woods to discover a bit of bone and put their aptitudes to test. They happened to discover a lion's bone lying some place in the backwoods. The first made the substance over the bone, utilizing his uncommon aptitude. The subsequent one added skin and hair to the lion utilizing his forces and the third one made the lion's appendages. The fourth youngster was holding on to parade his aptitudes and when his turn came, he recited a few mantras and implanted life into the lion's body. When the lion became animated, it jumped on them and executed them all.
Betaal asked King Vikram, "Who among the four siblings was answerable for the passing of every one of them?"
Vikram answered, "The fourth one, as he offered life to the generally dead structure of bones fragile living creature and appendages and hair."
Betaal valued the ruler for his insight and returned to the tree.