One day Nasruddin Hodjaa stacked a hefty sack of vegetables on his jackass and set out for the market to sell them. Subsequent to strolling a little separation, the jackass halted and would not move an inch from his place. Nasruddin Hodjaa was in a rush; from the outset he cajoled the jackass to begin yet when he didn't react to his convincing words, he began beating it. 

Before long, numerous individuals assembled around them. One man asked Hodjaa, "For what reason are you beating this helpless creature?" Another man stated, "You are an unfeeling man who is beating a confused creature." The third man stated, "You should be captured and whipped for beating this helpless animal." 

Hodjaa was irritated on hearing the individuals' constant remarks and he said to the jackass, "On the off chance that I realized that you had endless family members around, I would have never beaten you. I can see that you have a huge family here." 

Hearing this, the individuals timidly went their direction, leaving Hodjaa with his jackass.