At some point, Mulla Nasruddin was conversing with his neighbor. The neighbor was looking so hopeless that Nasruddin asked him what was annoying him. The man began to gripe about the absence of room in his home and stated, "It is such a little house, Mulla. Also, me, my significant other, my three youngsters and my relative all need to live respectively in a similar little house. It is exceptionally confined and there is not really any space to move around." He approached Nasruddin for some counsel on the most proficient method to manage this issue. 

Nasruddin stated, "Do you keep chickens in the yard?" "Indeed, ten of them," answered the man. "Great. Bring them inside the house and keep them there," said Nasruddin. "Yet, Mulla!" the man shouted. "My home is now stuffed." "Simply do as I state," Nasruddin answered. 

The man was actually quite grieved and needed to discover an answer for his concern. He chose to check the Mulla's recommendation out. So the man returned home and carried all the chickens into the house. Following day, he went to meet Nasruddin once more. He stated, "Mulla, I followed your recommendation and brought the chickens into the house. In any case, it didn't understand anything. Truth be told, it has exacerbated the situation. My home is considerably more confined at this point. 

"I see," said Nasruddin. " Now take your jackass and keep it inside your home. The man didn't have a favorable opinion of this thought however Nasruddin figured out how to persuade him to do it. 

The following day, the man came to Nasruddin, looking extremely upset, and said,"Now, it's six people , ten chickens and a jackass inside my home. It is packed to such an extent that one can barely move." Nasruddin answered, "You own a goat as well, don't you?" "Indeed, I do," said the man. "Extraordinary," Nasruddin said. "Take it inside the house as well." The man protested, "How could that be going to tackle anything?" however Nasruddin by and by persuaded him to do as he had said. 

The following day, the man approached Nasruddin in a condition of outrage and trouble and stated, "Your arrangement has made our carries on with hopeless. The house is currently so packed that we are thinking that its hard to try and relax. My family is vexed and everybody is griping about the absence of room." 

"Try not to get so furious, companion," said Nasruddin. "Return home and take all the creatures back outside." The man did as he was told. 

Following day, when the man ran over Nasruddin, he was radiating. He stated, "I should thank you, Mulla! Your arrangement has done something amazing. Since all the creatures are outside, there is sufficient space in the house for all the relatives. Everybody is upbeat and substance with the house now."