On the fifteenth day of the skirmish of Kurukshetra, Karna has an up close and personal battle with Arjuna. A wild fight happens among them, and Karna fires a bolt, which nearly hits Arjuna.

 However, Krishna, the charioteer of Arjuna, brings down the chariot and assists Arjuna with getting away from the bolt. 

Arjuna shoots a few bolts at Karna consequently when the last's chariot stalls out in the mud. Karna stalls out chariot and requests that Arjuna quit shooting. 

He sees that it is unjustifiable to target him while he is pushing the wheel out. 

Krishna answers, "You took shots at unarmed Abhimanyu, was that reasonable?" alluding to how Kauravas broke the code of war and hardheartedly murdered Arjuna's child Abhimanyu.

 Hearing Krishna, Arjuna is loaded up with honorable displeasure and vengeance and slaughters Karna.