Tathacharya, the central cleric and master (instructor) in the imperial court of Sri Krishnadevaraya, had an individual contempt towards a specific group of individuals. 

He would cover his head and face with his shroud each day to abstain from taking a gander at those individuals. Everybody in the imperial court was irritated with his conduct, however nobody set out to let him know. They expected that the ruler may blow up at them for whining against the imperial master. 

At some point, they moved toward Tenali Rama and disclosed the circumstance to him, trusting he would have the option to discover an answer for the master's visually impaired disdain. 

Tenali Rama listened eagerly to all that they needed to state, and stated, "I too had seen this abnormal conduct of Thathacharya. I will put forth a valiant effort to take care of this issue." 

The following day, Lord Sri Krishnadevaraya called for Rama. He communicated a similar concern and requested that Rama settle the problem tactfully as Tathacharya was a researcher and an aware individual. 

Tenali Rama guaranteed the lord that he would do precisely that. 

The following day, Rama went to Tathacharya's home. As he moved toward the door, he spotted Tathacharya emerging from the house. 

Rama, shouted to him, saying, "Great morning, master Tathacharya. It is me, Rama. For what reason would you say you are covering your face?" 

Hearing this, Thathacharya halted unexpectedly and stated, "Gracious! Hi Rama! Since you asked, I will reveal to you a mystery." 

"Without a doubt, what is it, ace?" 

"Individuals of that group are miscreants. It is accepted that in the event that you take a gander at them, you will be conceived as a jackass in your next life. That is the reason I spread my face to abstain from seeing them. Try not to advise this to anybody." 

"Without a doubt, ace," said Rama and left. 

Following a few days, the ruler, alongside his squires, visited a nursery on the edges of the city. While returning, they saw a crowd of jackasses obstructing their direction. 

Tenali Rama, who was trusting that the correct time will show the regal instructor a thing or two, immediately thought of an arrangement. He went before the crowd and began saluting the jackasses; he additionally started muttering petitions. 

Bewildered, the lord asked, "Rama, for what reason would you say you are going to the jackasses and saluting them?" 

Rama answered, "Your highness, these are no common jackasses. They are master Thathacharya's family. This is Thathacharya's sibling, and that one there is his granddad. I am certain guruji is honored to see all his family together." 

Thathacharya blew up at Rama and hollered, "Rama, how could you call my precursors jackasses?" He turned towards the ruler and argued, "Your highness, this is profoundly insolent." 

The lord approached Tenali Rama for a clarification. Rama stated, "Conciliatory sentiments, master Thathacharya. It isn't my goal to slight the regal instructor, however he himself revealed to me that these were his relatives." 

Thathacharya lost his temper and yelled, "What hogwash are you talking, Rama. When did I say that?" 

Rama at that point answered, "Regarded Thathacharya, a day or two ago, when I visited your home, you disclosed to me that whoever looked at that order would be conceived jackasses in their next life. Thus, there is a likelihood that these jackasses could be your relatives." 

Hearing this, the illustrious educator stayed quiet. The ruler at that point addressed, "Is it valid, Thathacharya?" 

Tathacharya answered, "Indeed, it is valid, your highness." and balanced his head in disgrace. 

The lord at that point stated, "In my realm, all residents are equivalent, and I would not endure any segregation." 

Thathacharya understood his error and apologized to the lord. Everyone appreciated TENALI