During the beginning of creation, Vayu performed compensation for a large number of years to "Karpoora lingam" (Karpooram implies camphor). Satisfied with his compensation, Shiva showed before him and stated, " O Vayu Deva! Despite the fact that you are dynamic in nature, you remained here without development and did compensation for me. 

I'm satisfied with your dedication. I will give you three boons". Vayu stated, "Master! I need to be available wherever in this world. I need to be a necessary aspect of each Jiva who is in all honesty the appearance of Paramatma. I need to name this Karpoora Linga, which speaks to you, after me. Samba Siva said," You are equipped for these three shelters.

 According to your desire, you will be spread all through this world. Without you, there will be no life. This linga of mine will perpetually be known all over through your name, and all Suras, Asuras, Garuda, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, kimpurushas, Siddhas, Saadhvis, people and others will revere this Lingam". Shiva vanished subsequent to allowing these boons. From that point, Karpoora Vayu Lingam is venerated by all Lokas (universes).