Shivaji's focal point of intensity and development turned into the post of Raigad in the Raigad area of Maharashtra. This spot turned into Shivaji's capital city. Roosted on head of a slope that was separated from the Western Ghats, the fortress was for all intents and purposes distant from three sides.

 It is said that prizes were given to the individuals who attempted creative techniques to arrive at the top. 

Under his standard 'untouchables' were given genuine equity. They were enlisted in the military just as advanced. Shivaji likewise laid extraordinary significance on Sanskrit. 

He guaranteed that Sanskrit was rarely lost. He supplanted Persian words with Sanskrit ones where conceivable. He carried genuine equity to the individuals who were violated. The individuals of his territory cherished him and genuinely loved him. 

Religion too was given significance. He permitted his kingdom to follow their religion of decision. He likewise permitted individuals to change over back to being a Hindu in the wake of having changed over to Islam under Aurangazeb. 

He guaranteed that regard was given to mosques-Muslim spots of love and furthermore to Muslim ladies. Subsequently, countless Muslims served in his military. 

As a result of these characteristics, Shivaji had the option to ingrain similar enthusiasm for unrest against the Mughals in the psyches of his kingdom. He propelled his kingdom so much that the Maratha Empire kept on battling the Mughal rule for a long time after his demise.