In an offer to contain Shivaji, Adil Shah sent Afzal Khan, an accomplished veteran general alongside a multitude of 40,000 men to devastate Shivaji.
After gauging his choices cautiously with respect to what move must be made, Shivaji chose to meet Afzal Khan on his home turf at the base of the Pratapgarh stronghold demanding that the gathering be a casual one.
He sent a letter to Afzal Khan expressing that he was excited for it. Afzal concurred.
At the gathering, Afzal Khan betrayed Shivaji when the two grasped one another. Shivaji was solid and steady for this and endure the assault, secured by a junk mail shield he was wearing and counter-assaulted by killing Afzal Khan with the wagh nakh (tiger-hooks glove).
Afzal's military who were set up to assault had no clue about that their pioneer had been killed when Shivaji left with the decapacitated head of Afzal Khan on his blade. On observing this the military gave up.