Ravana had sorted out a yagna towards the finish of the fight for his triumph. The condition for the achievement of the yagna was that Ravana couldn't leave while the yagna is being performed. 

At the point when Rama found out about this yagna, he sent Angad alongside a gathering of monkeys to occupy Ravana, yet all the endeavors went futile.

 At last, Angad hauled Ravana's significant other Mandodari by her hair before him. Mandodari continued arguing Ravana for help, however he didn't move. 

It was when Mandodari insulted Ravana by taking Rama and Sita's model that Ravana got up from the yagna and was crushed and slaughtered in the fight. 

There are incredible qualities and exercises in these short stories from Ramayana. These accounts are engaging for your child, yet they will likewise assist him with finding out about the various stories that finished into the fight among Rama and Ravana.

 Hindu folklore is brimming with intriguing stories; you can likewise reveal to Krishna stories to your children to show them more Hindu folklore.