Lord Vikram was given the obligation of bringing Betal to a tantric. Betal customarily signifies 'detestable soul'. Each time Vikram attempted to catch Betal, it disclosed to him a story that finished with a question. In the event that Vikram couldn't respond to the inquiry accurately, Betal consented to stay in bondage. In any case, if the lord knew the appropriate response and still stayed silent, his head would blast into a thousand pieces. What's more, if King Vikram spoke, Betal would get away and come back to his tree. 

Betal started another story, as he was being conveyed after King Vikramaditya's shoulders. 

Quite a while back, there was a wonderful and smart princess named Chandralekha. Numerous admirers came to offer recommendations of union with her. She generally declined, saying, "My better half ought to be solid, bold and gifted." 

At some point, a ruler named Virendra came to propose to Chandralekha. He stated, "I can tell the fortune of individuals and have never been refuted." 

Chandralekha offered him a chamber in the royal residence to remain in while she settled on her choice. 

The following day, Prince Udaivir showed up, needing to have her hand in marriage. "I have a chariot which can run ashore just as in the sky," said the sovereign, planning to dazzle her. 

He also was offered a chamber in the royal residence to pause. 

The third day, Prince Dhananjay came to request Chandralekha's hand in marriage. He gloated, "I am an unmatched warrior. Nobody can pulverize me!" 

Chandralekha requested that he pause while she picked between the three. 

The following morning, Chandralekha's mom was shocked to discover her little girl was absent. Terrified for her prosperity, she called upon the three sovereigns to help discover the princess. 

Sovereign Virendra shut his eyes for a second and afterward stated, "As a soothsayer, I can see that the princess has been captured by a goliath who needs to wed her." 

Next, Prince Udaivir stated, "My chariot is the quickest, we can hurry to spare the princess!" With that, the three sovereigns, headed out in the chariot. 

After arriving at the goliath's refuge, Prince Dhananjay took out his blade, battled the monster courageously and won. 

Chandralekha was returned securely to her mom and the realm found a sense of contentment. 

"So disclose to me King Vikramaditya," said Betal. "Who should the princess pick as her husband to be?" 

Lord Vikramaditya thought and afterward stated, "Sovereign Dhananjay has the right to be the man of the hour. Despite the fact that Prince Virendra anticipated where the princess would be and Prince Udaivir utilized his chariot to take them there, Prince Dhananjay vanquished the goliath. Without his quality, the goliath would have eaten them all!" 

Betal took a gander at the lord and stated, "Right you are, my ruler. Yet, you have opened your mouth to talk thus I should take off, back to my tree!" With that, Betal was pursued again by King Vikramaditya. 

The Patachitra and the Batik artistic expressions have inpired the style of fine art found in the Vikram Betal arrangement of recordings. 

Patachitra is a conventional type of material based artwork found in the conditions of Odisha and West Bengal. The subjects investigated are fables and conventional stories, which are painted utilizing normally made hues. 

Batik is a conventional type of workmanship in India which includes the utilization of wax on texture. Directly, there is nobody network which makes materials and work of art utilizing Batik and its range has traversed India. Generally painted on textures like cotton and silk, the structure has extended to an assortment of materials.