Hanuman was the child of Vayu, the lord of the breeze, and Anjana, a heavenly fairy. You're most likely considering how the child of the breeze god and a sprite ended up being a monkey. The appropriate response is that Anjana once irritated a sage who reviled her to be conceived as a monkey. At the point when the fairy asked for pardon, the sage quieted down and said that she would recover her unique structure after she bore a child who might win incredible fame.
Indeed, even as a youngster, Hanuman had extraordinary forces. One morning, he saw the sun rising and thought it was an extraordinary yellow ball. He chose to get hold of it so he could play with it. Indra, the ruler of divine beings, saw Hanuman jump into the sky and needed to stop him. What's more, how could he do that? He tossed his weapon, the Vajra (thunderclap) at the kid. Hanuman tumbled to earth, injured.
Hanuman's goaded dad chose to go on a strike until the person who hurt his kid was rebuffed. Envision if there is no wind on earth! How might it be? No delicate cooling breeze when the sun blasts down. No capacity to move the downpour bearing mists. Why, after a point, the two people and creatures couldn't relax. Vayu's strike made life on earth troublesome.
The divine beings realized they needed to assuage Vayu. Thus, they offered the infant a huge number of powers.
Brahma said that no weapon could ever harm Hanuman and that he would have the option to change his structure voluntarily and travel any place he picked.
Indra's shelter was that the Vajra would not, at this point hurt the youngster and that his body would be more grounded than the weapon.
Varuna, the lord of the sea, offered him assurance from water.
Agni, the divine force of fire, favored him with invulnerability to fire.
Surya, the sun god, enabled him to change the size of his body.
Yama favored him with great wellbeing and interminability.
Vishwakarma, the celestial engineer, offered a shelter that Hanuman would be protected from all objects of his creation.
With every one of these helps, Hanuman turned into an extraordinary warrior who assumed a critical part in the Ramayan. In any case, that story is for some other time.