The Hindu divine beings accomplished interminability and strength by adoring an awesome Linga called the Atma-Linga. The Lanka King Ravana needed to accomplish interminability by acquiring the Atma-Linga (Soul of Shiva). Since the Atma-Linga had a place with Shiva, Ravana revered Shiva with dedication. Satisfied by his supplications, Shiva showed up before him and asked him what he needed. Ravana requested the Atma-Linga. 

Shiva accepted to give Ravana the Atma- Linga but with conditions. It is ought to never be set on the ground until he reaches Lanka. On the off chance that the Atma-Linga was ever positioned on the ground, it is difficult to move it. Having acquired his aid, Ravana then started his journey back  to Lanka. 

Lord Vishnu, who came to know about this episode, understood that with the Atma-Linga, Ravana may get eternality and take required steps to ruin Earth and make it a dreadful place for mankind. He then reached Ganesha and mentioned him to forestall the Atma-Linga from reaching Lanka.

Ganesha realized that Ravana was an exceptionally given individual who performed supplication ceremonies each night as a general rule. He chose to utilize this reality and thought of an arrangement to reallocate the Atma-Linga from Ravana. 

As Ravana was approaching Gokarna, Vishnu abrogated the sun to give the presence of nightfall. Ravana now needed to play out his night ceremonies yet was concerned in light of the fact that with the Atma-Linga in his grasp, he would not have the option to do his customs. As of now, Ganesha in the mask of a Brahmin kid hailed him. 

Ravana mentioned him to hold the Atma-Linga until he played out his customs, and asked him not to put it on the ground. Ganesha hit an arrangement with him saying that he would call Ravana three times, and if Ravana didn't return inside that time, he would put the Atma-Linga on the ground. 

Vishnu at that point eliminated his deception and it was sunshine once more. Ravana, understanding that he had been tricked, attempted to lift the linga. Because of the power applied by Ravana the shape of atma-Linga changed, a few pieces were displaced. 

One such piece from the top of the linga is said to have fallen in present-day Surathkal. The well known Sadashiva sanctuary is supposed to be worked around that bit of linga. At that point, he chose to tear the covering of the Atma-Linga and tossed the case covering it to a spot called Sajjeshwar, 37 kilometers away. 

At that point, he tossed the top of the case to a spot called Guneshwar (Gunavanthe) and Dhareshwar, 16-19 kilometers away. At last, he tossed the material covering the Atma-Linga to a spot called Mrideshwar in Kanduka-Giri (Kanduka Hill). Mrideshwar has been renamed to Murdeshwar. 

Additionally, at Murudeshwara, holy person Bhagirath anticipates for Ganga to come on the earth from the hair lock of Lord Shiva.