Mullah Nasruddin's better half was concerned that her significant other didn't win a living. This caused her a great deal of pressure. She thought her better half, as different spouses should work and procure a living for the family. 

As she generally did, she began scrutinizing the spouse once more, which before long turned into a contention. 

Spouse irately stated, "For what reason wouldn't you be able to resemble ordinary husbands and accomplish some work and procure a living?" 

"Dear Wife, I am laborer of the Almighty God. How might I carry out another responsibility?" answered Mullah. 

"Dearest Husband, perhaps you would then be able to request that your God give you something as a byproduct of your administration," answered his significant other. 

Addressed Mullah tranquilly, "Dearest Wife! You are correct. I hadn't thought of approaching God for any profits for my administration. Perhaps that is the reason he doesn't give me anything." 

"Ohh, at that point please proceed to approach your god-like God for some return for your administration", the spouse protested. 

Mullah Nasruddin went to the nursery close to his home. He plunked down on the ground and opened his arms, looking towards the sky. 

He said uproariously, "Goodness God, since I am your unassuming and dedicated worker, will you give me a 100 gold coins for my commitment towards you?" 

Mullah's neighbor, Ahmed was in the overhang and he heard this. He chose to pull a trick on Mullah. He tossed a sack brimming with 100 gold coins towards Mullah. 

A stunned and astonished Mullah opened the sack to locate a 100 gold coins clinched. He got up and returned home with the pack. He called his better half and indicated her the sack and stated, "See! I am such a decent enthusiast of the Almighty that he gave me a 100 gold coins." 

His significant other joyfully took out a coin from the pack and went to the market. 

Seeing Mullah's significant other shopping, their neighbor Ahmed's better half, became dubious. She had a word with Ahmed about this. Ahmed raged into Mullah Nasruddin's home and irately requested his 100 gold coins back. Mullah commented back, "How could you request my gold coins? I realize you caught me when I approached the Almighty God for the gold coins." 

"I should sue you in court for equity" a furious Ahmed answered. 

Mullah pleadingly, "My companion Ahmed! I am a helpless man. I don't have any great garments or even intends to travel. The appointed authority will most likely confide in you more." A surrendered Ahmed, gave Mullah Nasruddin his coat and pony as well! They went to the court. 

At the court, the appointed authority tuned in to Ahmed's objection. He went to Mullah and asked him, "Would you like to state anything?' 

"My neighbour Ahmed is totally distraught", answered Mullah. 

The adjudicator inquired as to whether he had any evidence. 

"Truly", answered Mullah. 

"Well he expect, all that I own is his. First it's the gold coins, at that point it's the coat, at that point it's the pony," answered Mullah. 

The adjudicator asked "Is this genuine Ahmed?" 

Ahmed was disturbed and furious on hearing this. He answered furiously to the adjudicator, "Yes!" 

The adjudicator takes a gander at them two and stated, "There is no good reason for Ahmed's grumbling. You can both leave." 

Well currently, do you believe Ahmed's trick on Mullah was justified, despite all the trouble?