It was a bustling day in the town. Mullah Nasruddin was out for his night walk, around his jackass, when he risked upon a tremendous social event of individuals outside the city center. 

He went to an individual in the group and asked him. "What's going on here?" 

The individual answered, "I don't have the foggiest idea, yet some big cheeses from everywhere the nation and some neighboring nations have additionally come." 

"Gracious!", shouted Mullah, "Let me discover." 

Mullah Nasruddin strolled to the passageway and attempted to enter unnoticed. 

The gatekeeper remaining at the municipal center's huge entryway halted and asked him, "Sir, if it's not too much trouble let me know your name. I can't permit average citizens to enter. Some big cheeses have come here today." 

Mullah took a gander at the watchman and stated, "Sir, I am here to convey a significant message for some big cheeses." 

The watchman took a gander at Mullah Nasruddin dubiously. 

"Sir, if you don't mind let me in. It is a significant message and I can't reveal to you whom it is for." 

"No sir, I can't permit you inside, without knowing whom you need to meet", answered the gatekeeper. 

"Sir, if it's not too much trouble let me in. I will just go inside for a couple of seconds and come out. Here, you can hold my jackass, while I go in." addressed Mullah. 

Hesitantly, the watchman permitted him inside. 

Mullah Nasruddin entered a proper meeting room and situated himself at the chief rich seat. 

The Chief of the Guard drew nearer and stated: "Sir, those spots are saved for visitors of honor." 

"Gracious, I am in excess of a simple guest,"replied Nasruddin unhesitatingly. 

"Gracious, so are you an ambassador?", asked the Guard dubiously. 

Addressed Mullah, "Unquestionably more than that!" 

"Truly? So you are a pastor, maybe?" the Guard asked once more. 

"No, greater than that as well", answered Mullah. 

"Oho! So you should be simply the King, sir?" asked the Chief snidely. 

"Higher than that!" asnswered Mullah, brazenly. 

"What?! Is it true that you are higher than the King?! No one is higher than the King in this town!" 

"Presently you have it. I am no one!" said Nasruddin. 

Lesson of the story – "One can't be effective or cheerful in existence without a humble however sensible trust in oneself." 

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