One day Mulla Nasruddin was heading off to some place when he met a man who was conveying a huge milk can. The man wished Mulla Nasruddin and stated, "Mullaaji, I have an issue. Would you be thoughtful enough to give me an answer?" Mullaa Nasruddin eagerly agreed to listen to him as he was looking at his enormous holder of milk. 

The man stated, "At whatever point I get up toward the beginning of the day, I feel inebriated. My head turns around and I feel as though I have a headache. I don't comprehend what could be the issue." 

Mullaa Nasruddin asked, "Well! This is a difficult issue, in fact! Allow me to think. What do you for the most part eat or drink before you rest?" 

The man stated, "I drink a major glass of milk." 

The Mullaa stated, "Presently, I have discovered your concern! The milk that you drink in the night causes the inebriation." 

The artless man asked, "How is that, Mullaaji?" 

Mullaa disclosed to him, "You drink milk before resting. In your rest, when you throw in your bed, the milk gets stirred. It transforms into margarine. At the point when spread gets beat, it transforms into fat. Fat gets stirred, it transforms into sugar. At that point the sugar gets stirred and transforms into liquor. In this way, at last you wake up with liquor in your stomach in the first part of the day, and that is the reason you feel inebriated." 

"So what do I do?" asked the man in effortlessness. 

The sharp Mullaa stated, "The arrangement of your concern is extremely basic. Try not to drink milk! Here, offer it to me." Mullaa removed the milk can from the man and left there. 

The helpless man remained there confused.