Sage Mrikandu and his significant other Marudvati were ardent aficionados of Lord Shiva. They were cheerfully hitched however childless. They chose to perform atonement to Lord Shiva to appeal to God for a youngster. 

Dazzled by their commitment, Lord Shiva showed up before them and stated, "You can request anything you need." Mrikandu requested a youngster and Marudvati requested a favored kid. Astounded by the distinctions in their answers, Lord Shiva grinned and asked, "Do you wish for a conventional youngster who will live more or a talented kid who will live for just sixteen years?" 

After a second's idea, Marudvati answered, "Favor us with a talented kid. Despite the fact that he will live for a long time, we will have affectionate recollections of him for the remainder of our carries on with." Her significant other concurred with her, and Lord Shiva favored them and vanished. 

At the appointed time, Marudvati brought forth a child, who was named Markandeya. He grew up to be a particularly talented kid. He knew all the Vedas forwards and backwards, and aced Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. The mantra is routed to Lord Shiva to avoid inconvenient passing or achieve eternality. 

His folks adored him a ton, however Markandeya detected bitterness in them. At the point when he got some information about it, sage Mrikandu recounted to him about the account of his introduction to the world. In the wake of tuning in to it, he comprehended the explanation of their trouble. He guaranteed them that he will discover an answer for their concern.

As Markandeya's sixteenth birthday celebration drew closer, his mom was melancholy. He comforted her and stated, "Mother, don't stress. I will implore Lord Shiva and there is no reason to worry." 

The night he was to turn sixteen, Markandeya began discussing the Mahamrityunjaya mantra before a lingam. The God of Death Yama saw this, however he realized that Markandeya's time on earth was finished. He sent two of his workers to bring Markandeya, however the warmth exuding from him tossed back the workers. 

Yama at that point chose to bring Markandeya himself. At the point when he moved toward the supplicating Markandeya, he shook him brutally. 

Markandeya opened his eyes and argued, "I have not completed my supplication to Lord Shiva. Kindly don't remove me until it's finished." 

Yama became anxious and snaked a rope and tossed it at Markandeya. The noose fell on Markandeya and the lingam. As Yama fixed the noose, an irate Lord Shiva showed up. He struck Yama and slaughtered him. Different divine beings turned out to be exceptionally worried about this. They all moved toward Lord Shiva and beseeched him to restore Yama. They clarified that without Yama there will be no passings and individuals will live for always, which will make numerous issues. Ruler Shiva yielded and resuscitated Yama. 

Yama expressed gratitude toward Lord Shiva and enquired about Markandeya, to which Lord Shiva answered, "Markandeya will live until the end of time." Saying in this way, he favored the youngster. As the fantasy says, Markandeya can in any case be seen here and there, caught in his sixteen years of age body, singing the wonders of Lord Shiva.