In VARAHA Avatar, Lord Vishnu embodies himself as a pig in this world. An evil presence Hiranyaksha, had appealed to God for Lord Brahma and got granted an aid that no monster nor man nor god could execute him. Be that as it may, some way or another from the rundown of monsters the name of pig was absent. This end up being his lacunae.
He at that point began a mission of loot over the universes. He pushed the world to the Pataal loka, or the under of the ocean. He took the Vedas, the sacred texts from the Lord Brahma, while he was sleeping and performed enormous monstrosities.
To recover the Vedas and to spare the world the Lord Vishnu accepted the function of a pig and drew out the earth from the under of the sea, utilizing its two tusks. It at that point executed Hiranyaksha and recovered the Vedas from the asura and took it back to the protected guardianship of the Lord Brahma.