In RAMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu manifested himself as RAMA, the focal character in the epic Ramayan. In the epic, the character RAMA is relied upon to show the world the qualities of an ideal individual, including an ideal child, an ideal spouse, an ideal ruler, and an ideal individual.
RAMA was manifested upon this planet to dispose of the asura with ten heads, Ravana, who had been allowed a shelter by Brahma of resistance from divine beings, and other heavenly creatures.
Ravana was too vainglorious to even consider being considering being vanquished by a man. Thus RAMA was conceived and Lakshmi, spouse of Lord Vishnu was conceived as Sita, his significant other to be in this life.
The account of Ramayan is an energizing nail-gnawing story of the war seethed by Rama against different fiendish components of the world and at long last against Ravana.
Ramayan exemplifies the ideal conduct of man, with unique spotlight on the man-spouse relationship, child father relationship, and the guidelines for ideal administration by a ruler.