In PARASHURAMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu embodies himself as a brahmana (minister) in this world. He has acquired this world to retaliate for all Kshatriyas who had gotten egotistical and were smothering the brahmans on the planet.
He was destined to Jamadagni and Renuka and had a place with the Brighu faction. Parashurama was continually conveying a hatchet introduced to him by Lord Shiva of whom he was a passionate enthusiast. Kartavirya a ground-breaking ruler, once went to Jamadagni's home when he was out, and after supper, took the Kamadhenu dairy animals, which should give an interminable amount of milk.
Jamadagni was angered and he proceeded to slaughter the ruler and brought Kamadhenu back. On hearing this, the child of the ruler returned and executed Jamadagni.
Parashurama was angered at this and proceeded to retaliate for the passing of his dad by executing all Kshatriyas in 21 fights.