In MATSYA Avatar, Lord Vishnu manifests himself as a fish in this world. In the most punctual yuga (time) of Sata-yuga, a ruler named Manu was performing serious atonement for a large number of years. One day as he was performing ablutions with stream water, a little fish came into his hands and similarly as he was going to toss the fish once more into the waterway, the fish mentioned the ruler to spare its life. 

Regarding its solicitation, the ruler put the fish into a container of water however the fish began developing and the container was not large enough for it. At that point, the lord tossed it into the stream, yet it soon it grew out of the waterway and the ruler at that point tossed it into the Ganges and afterward into the sea. The ruler understood that it was Lord Vishnu himself and afterward the master showed up and made an exceptional solicitation to the ruler. 

It anticipated that the world would reach a conclusion by a tremendous flood in seven days and mentioned the lord to construct an immense vessel and take the seven sages(hermits), seeds everything being equal, one creature of each sort and revealed to him that he would show up as a fish to move the pontoon to Mt Himavan for enduring the flood to the following yuga(eon).

 Consistent with his promise, following seven days the Lord showed up and the ruler attached the pontoon to the fish by utilizing the illustrious snake Vasuki and the fish took every one of them to Mt Himavan and kept them there till the flood was finished and in the new time, the ruler began reproduction for the new time.