In KURMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu manifests himself as a turtle. It is a fascinating story including both the divine beings (devtas) and asuras (evil presences). 

In the progressing adventure of a fight between the divine beings and asuras, on one event the divine beings out of nowhere lost their entire existence because of a revile by the irritable sage Durvasa. The sage had once introduced a wreath of blossoms to Indra, ruler of divine beings, who recklessly parted with it to his elephant which stomped on it. 

The Devtas moved toward Vishnu for help. Vishnu at that point solicited them to stir the sea from milk in the wake of including prescriptions into the sea. Mt Mandara could be utilized a the stirring stick he said. 

He mentioned them to solicit the help from Asuras in lifting the mountain in return for the offer of the portion of nectar of everlasting status that would result from the agitating.

 Both the devatas and the asuras agitated the sea utilizing the snake Vasuki as the rope. Toward the beginning, playing a Machiavellian stunt, Indra, ruler of the divine beings approached the asuras for the head end of Vasuki. 

Yet, asuras smelling a rat, took the head end, just to be bamboozled as the toxin from Vasuki was gradually debilitating them. However, as stirring was continuing the mountain was sinking and afterward, Lord Vishnu appeared as the turtle KURMA and kept the mountain above water. When the bowl of amrita, the nectar of everlasting status was out, the asuras got it.

 At that point, Lord Vishnu appeared as an apsara, a lovely lady, and allured the asuras into letting her disseminate the nectar and furthermore to comply with her request for circulation. When the devatas were served the lady vanished subsequently thoroughly misleading the asuras and making them absolutely powerless.