In BUDDHA Avatar, Lord Vishnu manifestes himself as BUDDHA, the plain sovereign who denied the seat to lead the world on the way of harmony. He is the originator of the BUDDHIST religion unmistakable over the world. In specific orders of Hinduism, he is viewed as a perfect manifestation of Lord Vishnu.
He was brought into the world the crown ruler of the Kapilavastu to Suddhodana and Maya. He was named Siddhartha, signifying "All thing satisfied" by the ruler. Yet, his mom kicked the bucket not long after his introduction to the world however Prajapati, the sister of Maya, brought Siddhartha up.
Buddha was disheartened by death of living animals, since his youth days and used to address: "Too bad! Do all living animals kill one another?"
He wasn't content with any answers that were given to him and he chose to discover the importance and the essential fact of the matter and he left his better half and kid to a loner's life in the woods and one day, turned into the illuminated one. His proclaiming brought forth the religion of Buddhism now well known over the entire world.