Some time in the past, the sages in Taragam woods performed extreme compensations to accomplish incredible forces. Before long, they started to imagine that they were more grounded than divine beings and began making destruction on earth. 

At the point when Lord Shiva found out about them, he spoke to Lord Vishnu and stated, "We have to plan something for stop them." Lord Vishnu concurred and they made an arrangement. 

Ruler Shiva appeared as a youthful, attractive sage, while Lord Vishnu masked himself as a wonderful lady, Mohini. Together, they went to the Taragam woodland and moved toward the sages. 

The sages took a gander at Mohini and promptly experienced passionate feelings for her astonishing excellence. Their spouses were similarly enchanted with the youthful sage. After some time, the sages woke up from their trance and understood that somebody was pulling a trick on them. This maddened them colossally and chose to deliver retribution. 

The sages began to perform yagnas. The youthful sage was entertained by the unforeseen development and remained adjacent to them to observe the scene. Inside minutes, an irate tiger jumped out of the fire and jumped on the youthful sage. In any case, with a grin all the rage, the sage only snatched the tiger in mid air and squashed it easily. He ripped off the tiger's skin and put it around his midriff. 

The sages couldn't accept what they saw. By the by, they continued with their yagna, and a searing snake sprang out of the fire. The youthful sage got the snake and looped it around his neck. 

Next the sages brought foam a detestable evil spirit predominate, Mulayaka, from the fire. The evil spirit charged at the youthful sage. Master Shiva continued his actual from, and with no trouble, squashed Mulayaka to its demise with his feet. 

On understanding that the anger of the sages isn't decreasing. Ruler Shiva began moving, joined by divine music. His captivating presentation appeased the sages, and the world halted to watch him move. The beat of his damru turned into the heartbeat of the world, the divine water spilling out of his braids lit up his body and his body immersed the entire universe. Such was Lord Shiva's move that it got emblematic of the apparent multitude of common laws of the world, communicated flawlessly.