Ananda was a cousin of the extraordinary buddha. At the point when buddha achieved illumination, Ananda chose to invest all his energy with him. Prior to taking inception, he needed to ensure that Buddha would not treat him at standard with different devotees and that he would hold his exceptional status as the senior cousin sibling of Buddha. 

So Ananda said to buddha - "being my more youthful sibling it is your obligation to obey me after inception you will end up being my lord and I will be your pupil. 

So I will not have the option to ask you anything or order you. So let me approach you for somethings now before commencement." 

~" however you see fit."- Buddha answered. 

"First wish, I will consistently be with you, you ought to never converse with anybody covertly, u will never send me away. Also, on the off chance that I need to meet anybody whenever of the day or night, you will not decline to do as such. 

Ultimately, you and I will consistently rest in a similar room, I need to be consistent with you. Remember these desires of mine. Presently start me into Buddhism". 

Ananda turned into Buddha's shadow and tailed him all over. Numerous years after the fact, One day, Buddha declared - " It is the ideal opportunity for me to leave now before dinnertime tomorrow I will be no more. Call all the priests so I will address them one final time."

 By daybreak following day every one of them assembled around Buddha. Every one of them was totally relaxed. Nobody was crying or in pain all aside from Ananda, Who had carried on with each snapshot of his life in the physical presence of Buddha. 

~" Why are you crying ananda, I satisfied every one of your guarantees ?"- addressed Buddha. 

Ananda moaned - " Oh ruler what will happen to me. I did all that you did and still didn't accomplish edification. Without you, my life will be sad. What will I manage without you goodness master? " 

~" When you approached me for three wishes I realized that they would be a hindrance to your profound advancement. Yet, you were not ready to overlook that I was your more youthful kin. You needed to hold your benefits over others. 

Your acquiescence was restrictive maybe my demise will make it unequivocal." 

Buddha left his human curl. All illuminated priests congregated, Ananda was recked totally. Ananda was nowhere close to illumination. As Ananda shed tears of desolation. He had seen everything but not seen. He had flushed the nectar but then not tasted it. 

Amidst several priests, Ananda ended up to be completely alone. This defenselessness of his existed state brought up an issue inside him. Just because he felt a void inside himself. He got mindful of his sense of self and presumption. A quietness lingered around him as he understood that his lord had disregarded him and he was. 

As he dove into this quietness alone, he felt a change occurring. What had not occurred in 42 years in Buddha's quality occurred in one evening of self-reflection, Ananda got edified. 

Moral - Living with the ruler isn't sufficient, be with the master for being with him. Know about his essence!!