When King Krishnadevaraya had gone to review the prison, two thieves who were detainees there, requested his kindness. They disclosed to him that they were specialists at thievery and could help the ruler in getting different criminals. 

The lord being a benevolent ruler requested that his watchmen discharge them yet with a condition. He told the robbers that he would deliver them and choose them as his government operatives just in the event that they could break into his counsel Tenali Raman's home and take assets from that point. The cheats concurred for the test. 

That very evening the two cheats went to Tenali Raman's home and took cover behind certain shrubs. After supper, when Tenali Raman came out for a walk, he heard some stirring in the hedges. He immediately saw the presence of criminals in his nursery. 

After some time he went in and told his significant other noisily that they must be cautious about their assets as two criminals were on the run. He requested that her put all the gold and silver coins and adornments in a trunk. The hoodlums caught the discussion among Tenali and his better half. 

After some time, he conveyed the storage compartment to the well in the terrace of his home and tossed it in the well. The hoodlums saw the entirety of this. When Tenali went inside his home, the thieves went to the well and started coaxing water out of it. They continued drawing water the whole night. Nearly at first light, they figured out how to pull out the storage compartment however were stunned to see stones in it. This is when Tenali Raman came out and expressed gratitude toward them for letting him rest soundly around evening time and furthermore for watering his plants. The two cheats comprehended that Tenali Raman had outmaneuvered them. They were sorry to Tenali Raman and he let them go