Maharagya was satisfied with the commitment of Ravana and showed up before him and Ravana got a picture of the Goddess introduced in Sri Lanka. Notwithstanding, the Goddess got disappointed with the horrible and vulgar existence of Ravana thus would not like to remain in Sri Lanka. Subsequently, she is accepted to have trained Lord Hanuman to get the picture from Sri Lanka and introduce it at the blessed spot of Tulmul. 

In spite of the fact that Ragniya is a Rupa of Durga, this one is a Vaishnav Rupa in Kashmir. Ragniya is otherwise called Tripurasundari, while in (Sri) Lanka, the Mother Goddess was called Shayama. Sita as well is accepted to have been a manifestation of Ragniya. Ragniya Mahatmya has it that the individuals who think about Panch Dashi Mantra during Navreh, Mother Ragniya awards their desire. 

It is said that the late evening during which Mother Goddess originated from (Sri) Lanka to Kashmir was named Ragniya Ratri In Kashmir various sanctums are devoted to Mother Goddess at Tiker, Bhuvaneshvar, Manzgam (Noor-Abad) Bheda, Lo-qraer-pur, Mani-gam, Rai-than, and Baed-pur, however the Shrine at Tulmul is the most renowned one and subsequently the focal point of yatris. 

A huge number of years back, numerous floods happened in Kashmir and the hallowed spring of Tula Mula was immersed under its influence and the sacred spot could no place be followed. Finally, Kashmir's Yogi Krishna Pandit Taploo of Bohri Kadal, Srinagar had a dream in which the Goddess appeared to him and coordinated that she would swim like a snake at the correct spot and that he should adhere enormous posts to separate the blessed spot in the bogland.

 Along these lines, when the water died down there the blessed spot was found. This occasion occurred during the Samvat 4041 (Hindu lunar date).Sh. Krishen Joo taploo had some significant compositions too like Bhrigu Samhita which was in the late Eighties detracted from his relatives and now its destiny isn't known. He even had a gigantic Shiv Ling which at present is at Bohri Kadal sanctuary. A yearly Hawan used to occur corresponding with the disclosure of Holy lake of Ksheer Bhawani at his living arrangement before the constrained relocation of Kashmiri Pandits. 

Before, with the ceaseless contribution of milk and sugar candy in the spring by travelers, a thick layer of contributions had gathered at its base. At the point when it was cleared, the remains of an old sanctuary and sanctum sections engraved with figures were found. Here numerous pictures were likewise found yet no one revamped the sanctuary till the Samvat 1969 (Hindu lunar date) when Maharaja Pratap Singh who was the devotee of the Goddess, got a sanctuary of marble made amidst the spring which sparkles like a pearl in a shell. 

The marble sanctuary was finished in the 1920s. A few people are of the assessment that there was a mulberry tree close to the blessed spot of Kheer Bhawani which, in neighborhood language, is called tul mul. In any case, tul mul is likewise gotten from the Sanskrit word atulya mulya meaning extraordinary worth. It is accepted that Ravana, after his love of the Goddess, offered her kheer (rice pudding), which she acknowledged and from that point forward it is called Kheer Bhawani.