The epic legend described on the production of the Panch Kedar sanctuaries is that Pandavas of Mahabharata epic history, while pursuing Lord Shiva to look for his exculpation for the fratricidal sins submitted by them during the Kurukshetra war, understood that Shiva, so as to separate himself from the Pandavas, took the in a secret type of a bull.

 Be that as it may, when this type of Shiva was recognized by Bhima, the second of the Pandava siblings, attempted to clutch the bull's tail and rear legs. Yet, the bull disappeared underground at Guptakashi. In this way, it returned in five distinct structures: His protuberance showed up at Kedarnath, his bahu (arm) was spotted at Tungnath, his head surfaced at Rudranath, the stomach and navel were followed at Madhyamaheswar and his jata (braid) was divined at Kalpeshwar.