Tenali Ramakrishna was conceived in Thumuluru in the southern piece of India. Legend has it that in spite of the fact that he didn't get any conventional instruction, he turned into an incredible writer in light of Ma (goddess) Kali's endowments. Here is the fascinating story behind it. 

At some point, an extraordinary sage visited Tenali Ramakrishna's town, and everybody in the town went to look for his endowments. Taking a gander at Ramakrishna, the sage anticipated that he would turn into an incredible artist. 

He let him know, "Rama, I will show you an antiquated mantra. Present this for multiple times in the goddess Kali sanctuary on the edges of the town. The Ma would show up and award your wishes." 

Rama went to the goddess Kali sanctuary the following morning. He sat before the symbol with his eyes shut and discussed the mantra for multiple times, with most extreme dedication. After some time, he heard a voice calling him, "Rama, Rama." 

Ramakrishna opened his eyes, and before him was goddess Kali, with all her 1,000 heads and numerous arms! Out of nowhere, Ramakrishna started to snicker wildly. Confused, the goddess asked, "For what reason would you say you are chuckling, Rama? What is so clever?" 

Ramakrishna apologized for his conduct and stated, "Gracious, Kali Ma, I was pondering what might occur on the off chance that you get a bug, and envisioned you sniffling with all your thousand noses." 

Goddess Kali also chuckled at his joke and stated, "Rama, I like your comical inclination. I have come to give you my wishes. Look! I have two dishes in my grasp; one contains sweet milk. After drinking it, you would get extraordinary information on the world. Furthermore, the other bowl contains curd, which would give you riches. In any case, you can pick just one bowl, so think cautiously and pick one." 

Rama remained quiet for quite a while thinking, and afterward answered, "Kali Ma, would i be able to taste both before drinking them?" The goddess concurred and gave him both the dishes. Before the goddess Kali could understand what Rama was doing, he drank from both the dishes. 

The irritated mama stated, "Rama! For what reason did you drink from both the dishes and resist my requests?" 

Rama bowed his head and answered, "I am sorry Ma Kali, however, what is the utilization of information without riches, and what might I do with riches without information?" 

Goddess Kali was dazzled by his snappy reasoning and insight and favored him, saying that he would turn into an incredible writer and would be known for his knowledge and comical inclination.