According to Hindu legend, Dwarka was based on a land parcel by Krishna that was recovered from the ocean. Sage Durvasa once visited Krishna and his better half Rukmini. The sage wanted that the pair took him to their royal residence. The pair promptly concurred and began strolling with the sage to their royal residence. After some separation, Rukmini got drained and she mentioned some water from Krishna.

 Krishna burrowed a legendary opening that got stream Ganga to the spot. Sage Durvasa was enraged and reviled Rukmini to stay in the spot. The sanctuary where Rukmini's altar is found, is accepted to where she stood. 

The town of Dwarka in Gujarat has a history that goes back hundreds of years, and referenced in the Mahabharat epic as the Dwaraka Kingdom. Arranged on the banks of waterway Gomti, the town is depicted in legend as the capital of Krishna. Proof, for example, a stone square with content, the manner in which the stones were dressed indicating that dowels had been utilized, and an assessment of stays found on the site recommend that the harbor site dates just to chronicled times, with a portion of the submerged structure being late Medieval. Waterfront disintegration was most likely the reason for the devastation of what was an antiquated port.