As indicated by certain legends Meera's brother by marriage Vikramaditya, who later became ruler of Chittor, after Bhojraj's demise, attempted to hurt Meera from numerous points of view.

 He is said to have blended toxin in the sanctified pudding offered to Krishna and made her beverage it. Legend says that Lord Krishna transformed it into Amrut and spared Meera. Meera sings in one of her numerous melodies that Vikramaditya stuck iron nails in Meera's bed, yet, again by Krishna's beauty they transformed into flower petals.

 He put a snake in a bloom bin and revealed to her that it was a blessing from him to her Lord. Meera opened the container to discovered a garland inside. There are a lot more in a comparable vein. 

Eventually, Meera proclaimed herself a devotee of the master Ravidas – a leather expert holy person. After unendurable torment, she left Chittor.

 First, she went to Merta where she was as yet not fulfilled and after at some point left for the focal point of Krishnaism, Vrindavan.