Ravana had kidnapped Sita and took her to Lanka. There was a huge sea that Rama needed to cross to get Sita back. The whole Vanar Sena (multitude of monkeys) and all the creatures began helping Lord Rama to make an extension that would take them to Lanka. Rama was profoundly moved by the devotion and enthusiasm of his whole armed force. He saw that a little squirrel was additionally working enthusiastically. 

The squirrel got minuscule stones in her mouth and continued putting them close to the rocks. The squirrel's energy was devastated by a monkey when he ridiculed her platitude that she should avoid the stone or she would get squashed. Seeing the monkey giggle, the various creatures likewise began ridiculing the little squirrel. The squirrel was harmed and begun crying. The resentful squirrel went hurrying to Rama and whined about the entire occurrence. 

Rama amassed everybody and gave them how the rock tossed by the little squirrel was interfacing two stones. He likewise expressed that no commitment is little or huge; what makes a difference is the goal and dedication. Valuing the difficult work and exertion of the squirrel, Rama affectionately stroked the squirrel's back. 

The delicate stroke left three stripes on the squirrel's back. It is accepted that before this episode, squirrels didn't have stripes on their bodies. This is an incredible good story for kids which will assist them with perceiving the significance of both little and huge endeavors.