As indicated by the legend, Lord Krishna communicated his craving to go to Gaulok himself, while requesting Uddhav to do compensation in the Himalayas, and Uddhav said that I will be spared, however your devout enthusiasts Pandavas and Sudama will hear the updates on your going to Gaulok. Will surrender his life. In such a circumstance, Shri Krishna made Vishwakarma himself and Balarama idols, which he provided for King Indra and said that these symbols were given over to Pandavas Yudhishthira and Sudama and reveal to them that both these symbols are mine and I am in them. 

Continue revering these symbols with affection, by doing my darshan and love in the Kaliyuga, I will satisfy the longing of individuals. Indra Deity gave the icon of Shri Krishna to Sudama and the Pandavas and Sudama began adoring these symbols. By and by in Garhbor, the icon named Charbhuja Ji is revered by Pandavas and the symbol loved by Sudama is situated in Sevantri town under the name of Rupnarayan Ji. The Pandavas are said to have lowered the Idol before heading off to the Himalayas with the goal that nobody can demolish its sacredness. 

The then Rajput leader of Garhbor, Gangdev, came in the fantasy by Charbhujanath and requested him to introduce the Idol sanctuary by eliminating it from the water. The lord did as such, he got the symbol got from water introduced in the sanctuary. It is said that the icon has been kept lowered ordinarily taking into account the outrages of the Mughals.

 Maharana Mewar has made a tremendous commitment to the upkeep of the sanctuary of Charbhujananath. Inside the fundamental sanctuary, pictures of Raja Maharajas of Mewar are likewise included. In days of yore, the administration of the sanctuary additionally originated from the love of King Maharaja _ After this Aurangzeb. In the Somnath Temple of Chittor, the Hindu sanctuary was divided all through India, when the symbol of Lord Shree Charbhuja Nath has again entered the prison, after that the slopes of Aravali were in the thick woodland. 

Suraji Maharaj of the Gopavans who came to eat the bovine used to take care of his dairy animals, in this slopes, a cow named Ghori who inhabited the rear of the slope in the dusk Vela and the entire milk would fall on the ground consequently and afterward the cow would re-visitation of its crowd. At night, the calf of the bovine consumed at the hour of milk, at that point Suraji saw where the milk of the dairy animals goes each day, at that point followed the cow with complete consideration the following day, at that point the cow remained behind a slope and got the milk out of her udder consequently. 

Felt and being maneuvered into the ground, at that point Suraji thought, Bhagav Know what's going on, the calf of this bovine is woofing with hunger, is it Maya, Lord or any slip-up has been made, if it's not too much trouble reveal to me God, at that point around evening time, Lord Shree Chaturbhuj Nath Charbhuja Ji arrived in fantasy and stated, "You aficionados need to serve me. Where the dairy animals give milk, there is my golden calf underneath, adoring me in the wake of completing the establishment, Suraji's eyes opened in the wake of hearing such a great amount, as a kid, Prabhu showed up before him and seeing Suraji was frightened and stated, how might I serve God in my administration. 

The bovine wild ox at home keeps strings in my home each day, on the off chance that I bring forth an infant bison, how might I do this? Prabhu said that on the off chance that the aficionado is in your administration, at that point you will comply with regardless of whether you do the inverse and not the cow bison string I will concur but rather don't keep sheep goat even today, ministers of Charbhuja Ji

 don't keep sheep goat 

Suraji again in Mangal Vela 

Prabhu's venerated image, who eliminated the icon from Ganga Devi's Vanga and introduced it in the sanctuary. After this, the love of Charbhuja Nath is finished by loving the Gopavansh Gurjar Suraji Bagdwal family. There are three gotras in the family 

1 Bagdwal 2 Chauhan 

3 The customs of Panchauli Mewar Marwar and the charming Charbhujanath (Garhbor) sanctuary of Malwa and the restrictions of administration love are additionally exceptional. Built-up in the possession of Pandavas around 5285 years prior, the quadrangular type of Krishna is enthroned. The clerics here have 500 groups of the Gurjar people group, in which the administration love is isolated by the Osra. 

The convention of Osra is with the end goal that the Osra of certain families comes just a single time throughout everyday life (from 48 to 50 years), at that point in a hole of four years, each Amavasya Koosra changes and the following family turns into the central minister. Osra was chosen years back as per the number of gotras and families, which is as yet going on. Nobody other than the cleric's family is permitted to enter the sanctum sanctorum of the sanctuary. 

The clerics stay in the sanctuary till the Osra strolls, regardless of whether there is a demise in the family, the minister, who has been perched on the rooftop during the hours, needs to live a month's hard perseverance, poise. The clerics can't return home until the Osra strolls, they need to remain in the sanctuary. Pooja must be performed regardless of whether there is passing in family or family members. 

One month in the yard of love, avoid a wide range of compulsion, don't have any significant bearing cleanser on the body, play out the restrictions of chastity. In the kitchen of God, the water utilized in the silver jar is utilized by the family who plays the patio. Water is acquired a gold urn for fifteen days at phagotsav and seven days at consuming. Charbhujananath has five darshans for the duration of the day. Margarine in Mangla, saffron rice, lapsi, plain rice, kasar, milk prasad, and Gola mishri in the Rajbhog rises. These fascinating conch, chakra, mace, shield-blade, stick Thakurji is likewise adored about the sanctuary. It is accepted that after the establishment of the sculpture, the Pandavas went to Badrinath and relinquished their lives.