Shiva is likewise alluded to as Swayambhu on the grounds that he was not conceived from the belly of a lady. There is a fascinating story behind the introduction of Lord Shiva. 

At some point, Brahma and Vishnu were contending about one another's transcendence and significance known to man. As the discussion was on, a puzzling column showed up before them. Them two couldn't comprehend what the column was and thought about whether there exists some other preeminent force than them. 

They chose to disentangle the riddle of the strong column. Master Brahma changed into a goose and flew upward to discover the summit of the column while Lord Vishnu changed into a pig and burrowed the ground to discover the root. 

Notwithstanding, they could discover neither and returned to the spot from where they began uniquely to observe the rise of Lord Shiva from the column. It caused them to acknowledge the way that Lord Shiva was the preeminent force. It is probably the best story of Lord Shiva.