Master Shiva and Goddess Parvati were going for a walk in the excellent nursery Nandanavana when they run over the desire satisfying tree Kalpavriksha. Parvati regularly used to feel forlorn when Shiva would leave the Kailash mountain to battle the detestable powers. 

Along these lines, she wants for a little girl from the Kalpavriksha and the desire gets allowed. 

A girl is destined to Parvati, whom she names as Ashoka Sundari, wherein Ashoka signifies 'without distress' and Sundari signifies 'excellent'. Legends goes that when Shiva guillotined Lord Ganesha, Ashoka Sundari was available there. As she got terrified by her dad's demonstration, she took cover behind a sack of salt.

 Afterward, her dad mollifies her and takes her back to ordinary. Hence, Ashoka Sundari's name got related with salt.