The Jain Agamas specifies five vratas (pledges) which monks and householders must observe. These moral standards were lectured by Mahavira
1) Ahimsa (Non-viciousness or non-injury): Mahavira instructed that each living being has holiness and pride which ought to be regarded as one anticipates that one's own sacredness and nobility should be regarded. Ahimsa, Jainism's first and most significant pledge, applies to activities, discourse, and thought.
2) Satya (honesty): Applies to oneself as well as other people.
3) Asteya (non-taking): Not "taking whatever has not been given"
4) Brahmacharya (celibacy): Abstinence from sex and sexy joys for priests, and steadfastness to one's accomplice for householders
5) Aparigraha (non-connection): For laypeople, a demeanor of non-connection to property or common belongings; for vagabonds, not possessing anything.